Are you a motorbike enthusiast, and more specifically a fan of acrobatic tricks? You probably know the burn, a popular move among motorbike enthusiasts. Without proper control, it can quickly wear out the rear tyre. Discover the right techniques to do a burn without wearing out the rear wheel of your motorbike.

Learn how to perform a perfect stunt

The rear wheel motorbike burn is a stunt move that is not difficult, but it must be executed perfectly. If you don't have the right technique, you can be carried away suddenly by the speed of your motorbike and fall. Put the motorbike in first gear, while tilting your body forward. This will take the strain off the rear wheel of your bike. Then suddenly brake the front wheel and let go of the clutch. As a result, your wheel is completely or partially locked, and the rear wheel will skid, causing gas fumes, a loud noise, and a noticeable tyre mark on the tarmac. The burn should last less than a minute, otherwise your tyres will wear out quickly. You should stop the movement once there is enough smoke and you cannot see anything around you.

Variations of the burn

There are several variations of the stationary burn, which require slightly different levels of technique. The first is the one-hand burn. The difficulty of this trick lies in stabilising your body on the bike so that you don't fall off. When you take over the clutch, hold the handlebars as quickly as possible so that you don't fall forward or backward. The second variation is the run. This move consists of doing a rear wheel burn while moving forward little by little. The technique focuses on the positioning of your body (tilting forward), as well as your ability to "dose" the acceleration and braking. Be careful not to push too hard on the clutch or you may not be able to control your speed. Finally, there is the "donut", which consists of turning to do a burn while spinning in a circle. Before attempting this, you should have mastered the stationary burn and the one-handed burn.

Avoid rapid wear and tear on your bike by maintaining it

Whether you're doing a classic burn or a variation, it's best to have a powerful bike with good front and rear wheels, but also good brakes that respond quickly. To do this, maintain your bike as often as possible, and change any parts that show signs of wear or rust. Brake and wheel fluids should be applied before and after each use of your motorbike, especially after a rear wheel burn.